Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Update: I Walked!

Earlier today I was pretty impressed with myself for managing a sort of inchworm-like forward moonwalk move that got me across the room without hopping or using the dreaded crutches. And, I stood at the sink with my foot on the ground (instead of flamingo style) and about 1/3 weight on it, which was pretty new too. So this evening I decided to JFDI and got on the crutches and was able to use them as a tripod with the foot on the floor, taking most of the weight, and actually crutch-walked my way down the stairs, thru the kitchen, and back up the stairs. It helped that I readjusted the crutches - they were an inch too high! Okay, so I'm overheated and my foot is back up on ice, but hey, I walked at the one week mark as intended. Hi-five!

I'm kind of laughing as I proof this... so silly...

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