Wednesday, December 9, 2009

One Week Checkup

Fabulous... first shower! I have this ridiculous thick plastic bag with a rubber sealed ring around the top that is for keeping the dressing dry... now that I can stand up I thought it was time to give this "leg condom" a whirl. Seriously, when you are recovering from anything that keeps you in bed for a while, a shower is one of the best things to make you feel better. (This photo is courtesy of some medical supply site, btw, that's not me...)
I also got myself put together (hair dryer, contact lenses, makeup, street clothes) for the first time, it really made a world of difference in my approach to the day. You have no idea how sick I am of wearing my glasses!

I had my one-week checkup with Dr. Niccoli this morning. I kept my promise to his nurse that I would not pass out this time, though I did get a little squeamish when she was removing the bandages. Wound ooze is just disgusting. Things seem to be progressing well but to battle the swelling I am going on some prescription diuretics, which means I'm going to be drinking gallons of water a day to stay hydrated, so that should be interesting. The wound is so gross... I took a photo of what I can only call "Franken-foot," but it might be too icky to post here. It looked like a couple stitches popped so he put on some butterflys and wrapped me back up. Yes, I cheered like a little kid  when I  was given the option of colored bandage, of course choosing Christmas Red:

I loved C's idea of putting a Santa hat and beard on it, though I have some other ideas for bedazzling this thing. Then again, really, maybe the red is more than enough!? I love it!

So I get the stitches out NEXT week, at the two-week mark. I still have to stay off it, I have to increase my "toe rotations" to 100x/day at a wider radius, and I have permission to move toward walking on it without the crutches. Seeing as how I just figured out the crutches last night/this morning (I hustled across the parking lot this a.m., it was a beautiful, funny thing) I think that will be a goal later in the week. I got home and before long took a spill doing my special inchworm-moonwalk maneuver; I paid dearly in pain, and am thankful for the reminder to slow down.

I also got the "use your best judgement" (read: veto) on going to the Metallica show this weekend, which is a huge bummer. Unless I can dig up a wheelchair, it looks like I might be out.

I'm going to have to start doing some holiday decorating and getting a bit more festive now that my foot has gotten into the Christmas spirit!

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