Friday, December 4, 2009

Day Four: Steady As She Goes

Today has been a pretty smooth-sailing day. It started with bathing and dry shampoo and new PJ's and some good face cream - I'm beating the gross battle one step at a time and it's lovely.
I seem to get big pain waves in the middle of the night. I don't love those. Sometimes it's just throbbing pain or sharp shooting-needles sensations, other times it feels as if the stitches are going to bust wide open. Not awesome. I finally fell asleep after a big wave last night and was jolted awake from a spasm - it was like my big toe was  pulled like the arm of a Vegas slot machine. Freaky.
The switch from Vicodin has been good too - no more nausea, and instead of feeling weak and shaky I just feel kind of fuzzy and tired. Yesterday I lost the battle with basic function at the doc's office and on the crutches, and got teary-eyed when I struggled to use a pen; now I'm just feeling fuzzy and comfortable and watching weird movies ("Synechdoche, NY" - trippy, dude). And I'm playing less "Bejeweled" to get me through the pain, which is kind of funny.
I'm trying to do some version of yoga twists while I'm in this horizontal state; oddly enough, lounging with your leg elevated actually isn't that comfortable for that long. Anything I can do to not disrupt the foot but twist and strengthen the leg/hips is good good good. 
Besides my husband C. taking excellent care of me and keeping me fed and hydrated, my kittens Izzy and Angus have been great company. "Bizzy" likes to curl up under the end of the down throw (my security blanket this week!) and 'Gus sacks out across my chest whenever he sees me doze off. The older cat, Maggie, comes in overnight to keep an eye on things. They are quite entertaining - Bizzy even dragged her "feather on a stick" toy up to the side of the bed so I can play with her this afternoon. Brilliant!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that the kitties are taking good care of you.
