Monday, December 28, 2009

I Suck

I overdid it, and have to go to Physical Therapy now.
See, after 22 days in captivity, I tried to bust out all of Christmas in 48 hours, and was on the foot about that long (with elevation breaks, though apparently not enough). I was hosting my in-laws and wanted to have a great meal and festive home! I also had the green light to start driving, which I did, around town, hobbling around a bit in my suspension boot. I thought I was doing pretty well, actually!
My 3-week checkup was just last Wed, and I had another today (Monday) - tomorrow marks 4 weeks. Seems being upright so much through the holiday brought the swelling waaaay back up, and was even cause for concern that the pressure had moved the bone settings, so we did another round of X-Rays (no movement, phew!). When I winced through the Doc's application of the manual rotations I'm supposed to be doing daily, he decided I'm not pushing through the pain enough and is sending me to PT. I start Monday. As much as I think it will totally suck, I know it is best for someone else to administer the pain as I don't seem capable of doing it to myself. He also pulled out a few remaining stitches... then I did one myself later this evening. It was far from the wound and was sticking out through the mesh compression sleeve so I just pulled it out with the tweezers, no problem, no pain. I know, TMI.

Here's the crazy thing about today's visit...
While sitting in the waiting room I heard someone coming down the exam room hall on crutches and looked up with absolute sympathy... to see the DOC in a suspension boot and crutches! Seems he broke his foot and is going in this week to the same place for a similar surgery and recovery effort. He joked we may even be in PT together - which would be great, actually, as I like him a lot. Poor thing, I know how much it stinks!

Here's a foot photo from this morning's appointment... you can see the swelling in a pretty large area around the joint/incision; the bottom/ball is really puffed out too. Ow. Still glad I got that pedicure before all of this...

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