Monday, November 30, 2009

Pre-Op Visit

My doc scheduled a full pre-op visit last week to prepare me 100% for what to expect walking into surgery and the recovery plan. Upon arrival I received my "special" shoe and a shower-proof bag to keep my leg dry. And a ton of paperwork. I visited with the doc to review the X-Rays again, to review the game plan on the big day from check-in to anesthesia to procedure, and to learn about this very cool titanium implant that he may have to use depending on how bad the joint deterioration is once he "gets in there." We're hoping he won't have to use it, but there is a chance.

I'm told I will be non-functional for the first few days, but that he wants me up and walking around the house after that. I will be on crutches for a while and in that shoe for 6+ weeks (ew ew ew). After a week I go for a post-op visit to get new X-Rays and change the bandages, then at the two-week mark I have the stitches removed. At each visit we will gauge mobility/progress. I should be up on my feet (with crutches?) on Week 3. Hopefully driving at that time too.

When you read online posts or talk to people who have gone through this kind of thing they mostly say that recovery is much longer than expected and the pain is worse and longer-lasting than the doc tells you. I'm hoping that doesn't apply in my case and am opting to stay positive and believe everything the doc says. Really!

P.S. That orthotic shoe is awful - it smells so bad. I unwrapped it over a week ago so it could "off-gas" the fumes/treatments that were on it, and have soaked it with Febreeze a few times, left it in the sunny window, and put it outside for the day, but it just smells like chemicals. Bummer, as I have to wear it at all times for the next 2 months...

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