Monday, January 4, 2010

Week Six, Physical Therapy Begins

Happy New Year!
As I head into the sixth week since the surgery, I had my first PT appointment today. I'll be going in 3x/week for four weeks. I wish I took a foot photo before I got new tape today - the incision has closed up, there are no more stitches or scabs, and I'm working on the scar with Neosporin and massage.
I've never gone to Physical Therapy before, so wasn't sure what to expect. We started off with lots of forms and questions, then measurements of both feet - degrees of rotation I could bend various toes and ankles comparatively. Great idea - it shows exactly how far I have to go; I really can't bend my right foot very far right now, nor can I move that toe much (if at all - after a few attempts at "gripping" it just stops altogether!). So after measurements and a 5-min ultrasonic treatment (a wand with goo rubbed over the joint area to stimulate the tissue and joints), there was some soft-tissue massage... after I was warmed up, the toe-tugging and rotating began. Wow. I was in need of many distractions as it was "not awesome," as I told the therapist. She said she'd take it easy on me on my first day. Then I was brought to a chair and while sitting, was asked to raise my heels up, toes flat. I got busted for cheating and rolling out to the outside of my foot and have some serious work to do there. Next was the toe box on the phone book stretch to loosen up my calf and ankle. Finally I sat with both feet on a towel on the floor, "grabbing" for wrinkles to pick the towel up. Even my good foot wasn't very grabby, but my right foot was barely moving - the other four toes were, but the big one barely budged. Long way to go there too. We ended with a 10-min ice pack and some printed instructions on how I can do all of these exercises at home, five times a day, plus the contrast bathing, and using the ultrasonic bone stimulator that I have from a stress fracture earlier this year. I think I will be spending all day doing PT on myself! So I'm on a MWF/MWF/TTH/MWF schedule the rest of the month.

Oh - she also did this trippy tape thing on my foot - it looks like a jellyfish! The top is the normal thick tape placed over the joint, then trimmed into long fringe and spread around the length of the foot toward the ankle. The theory is it lifts the area to help flush out the swelling.
OK I'm off to do a home-session of PT. Adios!